Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break


Spring Break

     Well to start off my spring break I had my college class on Saturday so I wasn't quite on Spring Break until that class was over. After the class I went home and waited for my uncle to get ready so that he could take me prom dress shopping. On Sunday afternoon we went to these training classes for my dog since she's a puppy. It was also my brothers birthday so we had a barbecue and it was fun because my family was there and everyone was just together having a good time. On Monday I didn't do anything but relax and sleep in. Tuesday I went on a date with my boyfriend. He took me out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory then we went to the movies to watch Beauty and the Beast and then he bought me new shoes. On Wednesday I went to Six Flags with my other uncle, aunt, cousins, their cousin and my brother. It was fun because my uncle got us the fast pass which allowed us to go to the front of the line without having to wait. I went on the drop of doom which is the highest ride and it goes straight up slowly then goes down super fast. Thursday I didn't do anything. My boyfriend brought me food and we watched T.V and played with my dog. On Friday, my other sister came over to visit and we hung out until she left. Later on when my uncle got home he took my brother and I out to eat and then to watch a movie. We went to Downey Cinemark which was cool because they had a Starbucks there. We watched the Boss Baby which surprisingly was a good movie. On Saturday I went prom dress shopping again and this time I went to David's Bridal which was a fun experience but still did not find a dress. After, we went to the mall where I used to live and I saw some old friends. On Sunday we went to the cemetery to visit my mom then had a barbecue for Easter. It was just my small family but it was fun. Then some bunny showed up on my street and my brother and I were running around trying to get it so it wouldn't be out on the street almost getting killed. 

Image result for six flags santa clarita    

Image result for cheesecake factory cerritos
Image result for David's Bridal Torrance

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